Monday, June 15, 2015

The Engineer became A Pilot…

…and I am SO PROUD of him.

The Pilot with his license and his plane
The Engineer is a very talented and smart man. He really can do anything he puts his mind to. Since the day we met, he has been obsessed with flying talked often about his desire to get his private pilot’s license. He listens to air traffic control on the reg, if he hears an airplane in the sky…he has to find it every. single. time, and we have been on many a date to random parking lots around airports to watch the planes take off and land.

Plane watching in San Diego

Plane watching in San Diego

He researched airports and schools to get his license when he was living in Miami before we were married, but simply didn’t have the time to take on such a task. After a new job and a move, he finally had the time he needed to dedicate to learning to fly.

Plane watching in St. Martin, on our honeymoon. 
Plane watching in St. Martin, on our honeymoon. 
Plane watching in St. Martin, on our honeymoon.
I strongly encouraged him to do it because I knew it was a passion of his. Just over a year ago he finally took the plunge and started lessons.

Long, long ago...
You may have noticed that since we started our big home office renovation around two months ago that we’ve been moving at a snail’s pace. The Engineer has taken lessons and studied for a year, but has done so around the schedule of our life. This sometime meant he didn’t fly for a month (or two :-/) when we were busy. He fully dedicated himself to our family and friends and our home renovation projects.

When he was getting close to fulfilling his requirements in May, he asked me if he could focus on flying. Of course I said yes, but that meant we didn’t have as much time on the weekends to work on the office together. There were of course things I could do on my own (like tackle our yard!), but once we got the cabinets installed in the office, we backed off so The Engineer could focus on his training.

The Engineer taxiing

The Engineer taxiing

He spent so much time studying and making sure he acquired the knowledge he needed to be a smart and safe pilot.

He passed all of his tests with flying colors.

I really am so proud.

The first thing he did was take his wife up on a tour of the town!

Us, up in the air

Beaches from the plane

The best view

The Engineer pointing out other air traffic

The airport on our way back in

Turning to land

Runway in sight

Lining up to land

It was amazing to have my husband fly me around in a tiny little plane over our town. I just wanted to share his huge accomplishment with you all…and to explain why things have been a little slow around here!

We’re ready to get back in the office though so you will be getting some good updates soon! Until then, you can find me up in the sky with The Engineer….ahem excuse me…Pilot.


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