Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Little Hey Howdy

Just popped in to say a quick hello! I had intended to have the post about our dresser/side table/cabinet refurbishment up (can you tell that I have NO IDEA what to call the thing?!) but that has clearly not happened. Sad face. My computer is on its death bed and I've thus been ignoring it and finishing that post, but we did finish the dresser...thingy!!

It has also been a bit busy around here. We went to the Gasparilla parade on Saturday which was a lot of fun and we came home with plenty of beads!

Working out fell a little to the wayside, and I know it will be difficult this week with moving but I'm going to get back on track. I have been doing plenty of active work with moving and construction at work. 

Sunday we…packed!! The vast majority of the house. I’m actually a bit worried about the structural integrity of our second floor apartment’s dining room floor. We have probably 90% of the apartment packed and 80% of that stuff is in the dining room. That’s a lot of stuff. It has held on so far but we need to move it out of there ASAP!

The good news is that we close in two days!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s to crossing our fingers that everything goes off without a hitch!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Workouts This Week

With a 15 K on the horizon, I am trying to maximize my run workouts when I get them. Last Sunday The Engineer and I ran 6 miles! We both had an awesome run…I ran slower than all my runs as of late, but given that I completed the 6 miles and felt great (relatively speaking at least, running never actually feels great) I was extremely happy!

We decided to drive out to the new Suncoast Parkway trail. It's been open for a while now but it still feels new to me, which is great because it stinks when your running routes get old. It was a beautiful sunny January afternoon with temps just below 70F. It reminded me of last year when I was running in 20F in NJ where it was grey and FREEZING. This was much better and I took some time to appreciate how lucky I am with all the changes in my life over the past year.

Monday I wanted to take my bike out but it looked like it was going to rain so I settled on the trainer. Buuuttt then my bike didn't fit in the trainer. Literally 2 millimeters off. g.r.u.m.p. I didn't want to force my bike in to the trainer and scratch it up or actually mess something up. I wasn't going to be defeated though. Instead I ventured over to our little apartment gym and rode the recumbent bike for an hour. I will forever complain about apartment and hotel gyms choosing recumbent bicycles over a regular old spin bike, but I’m still thankful they had something I could peddle on!

Monday I took myself to Davis Island to run 3.5 miles which I intended on running a little faster but alas my little leggies were tired! I still held a decent pace and skipped my strength for the evening. This week is a step back week and I want to make sure I don’t overdo it because next week has some serious (serious) miles for me! I felt a little guilty about going to DI without The Engineer because it is one of his favorite plane watching spots, but it was a fun change up for me.

Last night was supposed to be 30 minutes of cross training which I had planned for my arms. However, I ended up putting the canvas for this tent on all by myself (my co-worker got called to the field) and I was tired! That thing is heavier than it looks and it was all over my head. I felt that that was plenty of a workout for my back and arms. And I feel like I got my Super Woman on for the day. :)

The Engineer and I have been working on revamping an old cabinet we've had and we’re almost done! I’ll share that transformation soon!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy 2014

I like New Year’s Resolutions. They give you the chance to get focused of refocused on something. The great thing about that something is that it can be anything.

This year I want to get back to racing. I jumped age groups last year and didn’t do a single race in my new group! Life got busy and there were a lot of changes, so I am ok with that, but I miss racing. I love having a goal to work toward and I think they are fun!

First up: Gasparilla!

I’ve been working on my running game to help my triathlons a little bit. A race focused on running is exactly what I need. I’m aiming for the 15K. No time goals here, just finishing is all I need.

I’m also trying to do better about putting things away where they belong as I finish with them to stop the buildup of junk that needs to be put away each night. It’s the little things right?

Hope the New Year is off to a good start for you!