1. New JOB!
Working at GLDD was fun, but the travel was not fun. I was lucky and landed a job as a contractor for the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). I run around in the woods and rivers measuring how much water is flowing through. It is fun and the travel schedule suites me much better. Being home has given me more time to focus on other things...
I was elated to be home to enjoy the rest of my engagement to The Engineer and loved planning our wedding together. We DIY'ed most if not all of our decorations and out family and friends helped up pull it together on the day of. It was an amazing night and the best part? I married my best friend and true lover :)
I also hand made wire bikes for the center pieces, and we assembled everything ourselves. We even made the wedding favors...Love Spice (aka seasoning salt). I got so many compliments on the personal touches we had at the wedding. While we spent a ton (and I mean a TON) of time on them, it was totally worth it!
Best day ever with the best new hubby ever!
3. New House!
We haven't closed on our house, but we started looking for a home to buy immediately after we returned from our *amazing* honeymoon and after a month and a half of serious looking we fell in love with a house, which we stole right out from under another buyer. We are now crossing our fingers through escrow!
There's the smallest peek through the front door :)
The Engineer and I are now compiling our list of things we want to do to the house. DIY here we come! I know there is still a small change that something won't work out and we will be back to square one but I'm pretty optimistic about it.
One of my goals for 2014 aside from working on the awesome new house will be to get back into the racing scene. I'm thinking a 15K at Gasparilla to kick this year off right.
My other goal is to actually use the blog to document my training progress and all the DIY projects we take on. Documentation is the first step to progress ;-)
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season...Happy New Year!